EtudiX Piano Tutor is a program to help you visually learn to play the piano or keyboard without learning to read music scores in a traditional way. EtudiX is meant for people who have a good musical ear but who find it difficult to learn the classical music theory of notes, bars and measures.
With EtudiX you can:
- Learn to play midi tracks forward and backward note by note.
- Learn to play midi tracks forward and backward chord by chord.
- Learn to play using a midi keyboard or piano.
- Play and listen to single midi tracks.
- Change the instrument when using a midi keyboard.
The first prerequisite for learning to play a piece using EtudiX, is that you already listened to the piece several times, so that you can almost sing or whistle the piece by heart. In other words, you can sing along with the tempo and the main melody of the piece. This is very important since EtudiX does not show the tempo or accents of a piece, it only shows you visually where to put your fingers on the keyboard.
The second prerequisite is that you have a decent midi file of the piece you want to learn. Millions of midi files can be found on the Internet. Note however that you will have more satisfactory results with EtudiX, if the midi file was not recorded from a live keyboard player, but created by inputting the exact notes from the original score i.e. if the notes are quantized to the exact tempo of the score.
If you cannot find a quantized version of your piece, you can always quantize the piece yourself using a midi editing program like Steinberg Cubase or Cakewalk Sonar.